Messe Berlin

Code of Conduct

Respect, reliability and transparency characterize the internal value system and the cooperation between Messe Berlin and its partners.

Code of Conduct for the Messe Berlin Group

The Code of Conduct lays the foundation for our everyday activites. It helps to make everyone in the Messe Berlin Group aware of our values and standards. Its defining element is our slogan, ’Hosting the World’, which combines long years of expertise and professionalism with our characteristic service approach. This slogan is what we aspire to,what we stand for, and the key to our activity. As a good host, we expect our employees to display responsibility and integrity and act in the correct manner in their day-to-day work.

In our Code of Conduct, we stand for fair competition and against corruption. It goes without saying that we comply with national and international laws. Our compliance management system ensures that all our employees observe our internal and external rules. As a business partner of Messe Berlin you can trust us to comply with the Code of Conduct.


Code of Conduct for Business Partners

The Messe Berlin Group takes defending human rights and protecting the environment as part of its own business activity very seriously. The values and standards we expect of our business partners are defined in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, which lays down our principles and requirements in respect of our business partners’ responsibilities to people, society, and the environment, including in the supply chain. The Code of Conduct is part of the General Purchasing Conditions of Messe Berlin GmbH (Enclosure 1). All business partners of Messe Berlin hereby agree to comply with the law and not engage in corruption or bribery or tolerate the aforesaid. They pledge to observe workers’ rights and adhere to international standards protecting the environment.

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners is based on the principles of the UN Global Compact and other international conventions of the UN and of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It follows the principles laid down by us in the Code of Conduct for Messe Berlin Group’s employees and senior management.


Further language versions of the Code of Conduct for business partners of the Messe Berlin Group:


Whistleblower system

In order to ensure that within the Messe Berlin Group risks of misconduct and breaches of internal rules or law in general can be detected early and prevented, we have established secure reporting channels for internal and external whistleblowers.

Our whistleblower system provides employees of Messe Berlin, our business partners, customers, and other stakeholders with a primary contact for reporting misconduct or if they have reason to suspect a violation of laws and rules.

The following contacts are available to internal and external whistleblowers for reporting compliance violations (including anonymously).