Veranstalter / Organizers:
Messe Berlin

Press Release

New partnership: Messe Berlin and Hill+Knowlton Strategies provide joint training for interns

First Messe Berlin training course to start in June
Exchange programme offers comprehensive insight into everyday PR work
Training programme closely aligned with DAPR criteria

Berlin, 26 April 2018 – As of 1 June 2018, for the first time the Messe Berlin press office will begin training two interns. A comprehensive training programme has been set up that is closely aligned with criteria stipulated by the German Public Relations Academy (DAPR). Central to this undertaking is a partnership with the agency Hill+Knowlton Strategies. The trainees will guest with each partner company respectively for a month, where they will gain an insight into every aspect of PR work. With this project, Messe Berlin is underlining its commitment towards training and is following the most recent recommendations of communications specialists and PR practitioners. Participation in an intern exchange programme is considered the best possible way to obtain professional communications skills. Both companies will also work closely together to provide interns with theoretical knowledge.

”With its wide-ranging portfolio of in-house and guest events, Messe Berlin offers interns broad-based training and a comprehensive insight into everyday PR work“, said Emanuel Höger, director of Corporate Communications at Messe Berlin GmbH. ”We are delighted to be working with Hill+Knowlton Strategies, a strong and experienced partner. Together we can provide PR newcomers with ideal conditions for launching their careers.“

”Hill+Knowlton Strategies has successfully trained PR interns for many years“, said Rüdiger Maeßen, CEO of Hill+Knowlton Strategies. ”The partnership with Messe Berlin enables us to further improve the quality of our training. The communications industry is undergoing rapid change. The more versatile the training for our employees, the more we can help to shape that change.”

The intern training programme systematically meets all the requirements of a contemporary and wide-ranging PR course. In addition to practical work with different press and public relations teams the interns will also take part in 13 seminars in Berlin und Frankfurt. Topics will include digital & social media communication, conceptualisation training and running campaigns. The first training course ends on 31 December 2019.

About Messe Berlin
Based on turnover and growth, Messe Berlin is one of the world's ten leading trade fair companies. Each year it develops, markets and hosts hundreds of live events in Berlin and around the world. Its wide-ranging portfolio includes ITB, IFA, InnoTrans, FRUIT LOGISTICA and the International Green Week, all leading global trade fairs, as well as major conferences and iconic events such as the street celebrations (Fanmeile) at the Brandenburg Gate. Messe Berlin has around 90 foreign representatives who market events in over 170 countries. Each year some 30,000 members of the media from all parts of the world obtain accreditation for events on the exhibition grounds in Berlin where the company has its headquarters. Thus, Messe Berlin acts as a driving force of the metropolis that is Berlin. Its aim is to be an outstanding host for visitors to every event at Messe Berlin, to give individuals an optimum boost for their business and to ensure fair conditions for everyone. This approach is reflected in the company slogan: ‘Messe Berlin – Hosting the World’.

About Hill+Knowlton Strategies
Hill+Knowlton Strategies is a leading international communications and brand agency with 90 offices in 50 countries and an extensive network of partner companies. Hill+Knowlton Strategies was set up in 1927 in the US. It is the world’s longest-established communications agency and has been operating successfully in Germany for 55 years.
Hill+Knowlton Strategies advises customers in every area of communications, including corporate communications, crisis communications, public affairs, change and employee engagement, financial communications, healthcare, technology, digitalisation, marketing communications and content marketing at its offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt/Main. Hill+Knowlton Strategies also has considerable strategic expertise in branding, brand reputation and positioning.

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