
Equal Opportunity & Diversity

Our diversity makes us successful

Each year around 2.5 million people from around the world visit Messe Berlin events. The range of topics extends from food & nutrition to tourism, logistics, laser optics, health care IT and consumer electronics.

Our events are as diverse as our employees’ ages and origins - and there is an excellent gender balance as well. Because we know the strengths of each individual are what make our teams so successful.

Expertise is what counts
Diversity will become even more of a focal point in the future. For example, our goal is to have a 50:50 balance between men and women in management positions – and right now we’re quite close to achieving it.

We already have a selection process which emphasizes the specific qualities of our applicants. We plan to develop our current process into an anonymous application process.

We strengthen selected employee groups with special mentoring programs and the organization of in-house networks.

Taking a stand for more tolerance
At Messe Berlin we rely on holistic diversity management. That’s why it’s also important to us to take a stand regarding sexual orientation. Our membership in the "Bündnis gegen Homophobie" (Confederation against Homophobia) underlines our commitment to being open-minded with each person’s individual lifestyle.

In the end, everyone benefits. Because an open-minded corporate structure which respects everyone is required to facilitate the new ideas and energy for tomorrow’s trade fairs and congresses.

Jusuf Hadziselimovic - Assistent CEO

Jusuf Hadziselimovic - Assistent CEO

I looked for – and found - new challenges at Messe Berlin. As an assistant to the management board, I am fortunate to work on my own authority in an area which offers constant contact with a great variety of people and provides insight into all the business areas. I can always rely on my colleagues for help and we get the work done together. That’s what I like!

Diversity Charter
eg check
Bündnis gegen Homophobie
Bündnis gegen Homophobie